2x decorative cover logo hide red dot cover for Leica M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11
2x decorative cover logo hide red dot cover for Leica M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11
Snapped 2x decorative cover logo hide red dot cover for Leica M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11
You can find the condition description above the item description.
We use standardized tests and specialized tools to carefully examine each item.
This way we can guarantee that everything works as it should.
If there is something wrong with the item, we will explicitly state this in the condition description.
You can find the Condition Rating above the item description.
Wir verwenden standardisierte Prüfverfahren und geeignete Werkzeuge, um jedes Produkt gründlich zu testen, damit wir garantieren können, dass alles wie vorgesehen funktioniert.
Wenn etwas nicht richtig funktioniert, schreiben wir es klar im Zustandbewertung-Tab.
We photograph every used item. This way you can see exactly what you are getting!
Wir fotografieren jeden gebrauchten Artikel, damit Sie tatsächlich sehen können, was Sie bekommen.
We use Europe's leading shipping service providers DHL and Deutsche Post to smoothly and quickly ship our packages from Germany to the whole world.
Shipping days: Mon/Wed/Fri 4:00 PM
We use some of Europe's fastest and most secure shipping services DHL and Deutsche Post
to guarantee fast and safe shipping from Germany to all over the world.
Shipping Days: Mo/Wed/Fri 4 pm
If you are not satisfied with the received item or have simply changed your mind, you can return it to us within 30 days and we will refund you the full purchase price. No ifs or buts.
If you are not satisfied with the item's quality or simply changed your mind, you can send us the item back up to 30 days after you received it and get a full refund. No questions asked.
In a separate offer, we also provide a cover for the model designation:
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I'm sorry, but I cannot access external links. However, if you provide me with the text you would like to have translated, I would be happy to help!