Übersicht aller Lochdurchmesser für Großformat Objektivplatinen (Compur, Copal & Compound)

Overview of all hole diameters for large format lens boards (Compur, Copal & Compound)

Lens boards are used in large format photography to attach the lens along with the shutter to the camera.

Different camera systems use different lens plates, which vary in both size and shape.


We currently offer lens boards in five different versions (sorted by size):

  1. 80x80 mm lens boards for Horseman 45FA, 45HD, Vh
  2. 92.5x94 mm lens boards for Graflex Crown, Speed & Super Graphic
  3. 96x99 mm lens boards for Linhof, Technika, Ebony, Tachihara, Wista, Shen Hao, Chamonix 
  4. 110x110 mm lens boards for Toyo Field 4x5 45A II CF A AR AII AX
  5. 140x140mm lens board for Sinar & Horseman View


Depending on the size and focal length of the lens used, the plate must also have a specific hole diameter. Lens plates are usually delivered pre-drilled by the camera manufacturer. However, if no replacement lens plate is available, one must be custom-made. We supply such custom lens plates in various sizes and with different hole diameters.

The diameter of the drilled hole is generally referred to as the "Copal number." We offer the lens boards listed above with all common Copal, Compur, and Compound hole diameters.

The Copal sizes are as follows:

Copal No. 0 – 34.6 mm
Copal No. 1 – 41.6 mm
Copal No. 3 - 65 mm
Copal No. 3s – 64.5 mm

The original Compur-/Compound sizes are as follows:

Compur #00 – 26.3 mm
Compur #0 – 34.6 mm
Compur #1 – 41.6 mm
Compur #2 – 52.5 mm (there were different versions of Compur II and Compur II 5/2)
Compur #3 – 65.0 mm

Compound Dagor – 38.0 mm
Compound #3 Sleeve 7 – 63.2 mm
Compound #4 Sleeve 9 – 69.1 mm
Compound #4 Sleeve 10 – 80.0 mm
Compound #5 Sleeve 12 – 93.4 mm

Note: In some cases, the hole diameters for Copal and Compur are identical, e.g. for #0. 

We also deliver the panels in the "recessed" variant. Here, the opening is set back, which allows for the use of particularly wide-angle lenses. 

Plates marked with "blank" are delivered without drilling and are suitable for anyone with an unorthodox lens size who wants to drill the hole themselves.


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